The presence of your adult website on the internet plays a crucial role in the success of your adult business. Adult website owners invest considerable sums in ranking their websites on search engines. It enhances the visibility of their adult brand and makes them earn substantial profits.
But, if there is a drop in the rankings of adult websites, there is a huge loss that you might need to bear. Hence, if you struggle with low rankings on your adult website, this guide will help you regain your ranking and shine on top of SERPs.
It includes various steps that you need to follow to recover lost rankings of your adult website. So why wait? Let’s see how you can take your adult website to the top of the search engines again.
Factors affecting the ranking of your adult website
There are multiple factors due to which you might see a drop in the rankings of your adult website. Search Engine has various categories and guidelines to rank an adult website. And if these guidelines are not fulfilled, you may lose rankings of your adult website. Some significant factors that might result in a ranking drop are as follows:
- Instant content changes
- Algorithm update
- Technical issues
- Improvements in competitor’s website
- Google penalty
- SERPs layout changes
We have compiled some steps to know the issue that causes low rankings on your adult website and how to recover it. Here it goes!
Step 1 – Don’t panic.

There is nothing to panic about if you have lost your rankings on search engines. Changes in our adult website’s rankings on SERPs are a significant part of escort SEO. You can be sure of changes in these rankings when you are performing adult SEO on your escort website.
But the good news is, there is nothing to be worried about. This can be resolved, and rankings can be recovered again. Sometimes your rank tracking application doesn’t work effectively, or sometimes, the google algorithm also changes.
Hence, if these are the issues you lose rankings of your adult website, it is temporary. You may find things going back to normal in a day or two.
But what if the reasons are different? What if there is some other major issue for the lower rankings of your adult website? You need to find the fallout and work on it in such a case. You can find the best steps to follow to recover lost rankings of your adult website below in this article.
It will allow you to know the cause of your lost rankings. Sometimes, the rankings are lost because of the google updates and algorithm changes. In such circumstances, you need to give time to google or search engine to perfume better and achieve desired results.
Quick advice – When your rankings suddenly drop, getting panicked is one of the worst things you can do. Sometimes you need to let things happen and see the consequences to perform better. If you panic due to lost rankings of your adult website, there are chances that you press on some random buttons and care more about issues for your adult website.
You need to understand that search engines are concerned about their users. It has nothing to do with your website. Hence, you need to keep a regular update of the search engine algorithms and understand why it is happening instead of reacting instantly without knowing the exact cause of the lost rankings of adult websites.
Step 2 – Check if ranking is dropped?

It is crucial to be sure about the rankings of your adult website. Be sure whether your orders have dropped or your rank tracking application is acting up. Keep checking your rank tracker’s website to know the real issue.
You can also take the router’s help to know if there are some complications in your rank tracking tool. When search engines change their algorithms, rank trackers are supposed to update their software. And sometimes, rank tracking websites are not aware of sudden updates of search engines.
The rank tracker could not give desired results and showed false rankings. Therefore, before you get worried about the orders of your adult website, be sure about the functioning of the rank tracker application or website.
Quick advice – you can use another rank tracking system by associating it with your important keywords. Whenever you are not sure about your first rank tracker, you can use the backup and ensure the accurate rankings of your adult website. This saves a lot of your time, and you soon analyze the fallouts of your website.
Verify using google search compile, analytics, and other essential tools
Once you have taken the help of adult site ranking trackers, you need to check and verify using google analytics and the search console. It ensures accurate information about your adult website’s rankings and lets you know if your adult website’s ranking has dropped or not.
If all the tools sing rankings drop, find the solutions in the following steps!
Step 3 – Understand the ranking drop’s impact.

It is important to scope the ranking drop’s impact to know the underlying issue which has turned down ranking for your adult website. Things like search queries that have been impacted due to the change in the ranking of adult websites speak a lot about the significant issue that has caused the low rankings of your adult website.
You can take help from below mentioned tools and analytics to scope the ranking drop’s impact so we can understand why the rankings of your adult website are going down suddenly.
- Rank tracking application
- Web analytics data
- Google Search Console data
- Bing Webmaster
Once you have analyzed the search queries, you must list down all those that show a ranking drop sign. This might include:
- What cluster the question belong to
- Their old ranking (to establish a baseline)
- Their new ranking
- The difference
- The URL that was ranking
- The content type that was ranking
- Whether the page is indexable
- Any comments that may be useful
Sometimes, just doing this can help you recover your lost rankings on adult websites. It often happens that only some parts of our websites are impacted due to a ranking drop. At the same time, there are times when the entire website gets affected. Hence, this step is crucial to understand what has been impacted due to the drop in the ranking of your adult website.
Step 4 – recent website changes

A drop in the rankings of your adult website can be caused due to some recent changes in your website. Ranking often drops when we make some substantial changes to your website.
Whenever you work on the design of your website, update a large portion of the adult website’s content, or add some pages to your website, there are chances that your website will notice some fluctuations in the rankings.
Yes, updating your adult website can impact its rankings. This is a natural functioning of search engines and associated adult websites. It should not worry you until you get your adult website back to its original state in a short time.
Consult with your team
Consult your adult website team or adult SEO agency that manages your adult website. Ask them if any significant changes have been made to your adult website recently. You must check your project management software for any ranking drops.
Sometimes, our software does not work efficiently, resulting in rankings drops for adult websites. Hence, before you blame algorithm update, you must check with your team and learn about the changes made to your adult website recently.
SEO monitoring tool
If you are running an adult business that is majorly focused on an adult website, you must have a professional SEO monitoring tool. Check that tool and understand if there are specific on-page SEO changes that have caused ranking drops.
Sometimes, technical changes are there, whereas other times, content changes affect the on-page SEO. There is a difference between technological changes and connection changes. Technical changes in an adult website can affect the functioning of the entire website.
Whereas content changes can affect some specific pages of the website on which changes are made. Hence, if you keep a check on your SEO monitoring tool, you might realize the reason for the ranking drops of your adult website.
Technical changes
Keep checking the search engine crawlers to see if it still recognizes your adult website similarly as they used to before. You can do this by crawling over the website and noticing the change in the below emotional aspects of your adult website;
If you find technical changes in any of the above-mentioned technical aspects of your adult website, then dig deep and understand if it is related to the ranking drops. If not, then continue your sriracha and follow further steps.
Internal link structure changes
Changes made in the internal link structure of your adult website can impact a lot of your adult SEO performance. These changes become crucial if made to the homepage or other authoritative page of the adult website.
A major portion of the internal links structure gets affected whenever we redesign our website. Due to this, there has been a considerable shift in the rankings of the adult website. Hence, be careful of that and consider it if you find drip in the rankings of your adult website.
Content changes
Search engines hunt for relevant content to show to the users whenever they get a search query. That is how search engines rank any website. Hence, content plays a crucial role in the rankings of your adult website.
If you have made changes to the content of your escort website, then it is likely to drop the rankings. If you want to know whether consent is the reason for the ranking drops of an adult website or not, then find out the changes in:
- Title: Some minor changes to the title of your content can create a big difference in the rankings. Think if there were any changes made to it.
- Meta description: Meta descriptions might not directly impact the rankings of your adult website. But it has a lot to do with it. It affects the click-through rate (CTR) for your search result, and if the CTR is impacted, it will affect the rankings of your adult website. Hence, keep a check on the changes made to meta descriptions.
- Headings: Search engines consider your content relevant through the Headings. Hence, changes made to Headings might affect the rankings of adult websites.
- Body content: if you see any changes in headings, meta descriptions, and titles, high chances are that body content has been changed too. This is not a green signal for the rankings of your website as search engines rely on the body content while fulfilling the search queries.
Step 5 – Technical issues

If search engines find technical issues while crawling and indexing your adult website, there are changes that rankings might drop. Crawl anomalies do not allow Google to index and rank your adult website as it creates a barrier for search engines to receive the information from your website. Hence, you must check on this technical aspect if you find any changes in the rankings of your adult website.
Step 6 – Update in google algorithm

Changes or updates in the Google algorithm can fluctuate the rankings of your adult website. Sometimes, there are minor updates that rarely harm your rankings. Whereas other times, there are significant updates in google Algorithm that can either do your business or break your business.
Hence, you must take the help of a SEO professional to keep an eye on the google algorithm and keep your adult website updated as per the requirements of Google and other major search engines.
Step 7 – Google SERP update

Many adult website owners think that search engines only update their algorithms, due to which the ranking of adult websites drops. But actually, there are updates on search engine result pages that might also push down your website on the SERPs.
Updates in SERP depending on the search queries. Hence, if you want your website to ot get impacted due to updates of SERPs. Then keep a regular check on the researcher’s behavior and optimize your adult website and associated content accordingly.
Step 8 – Change in search intent and behavior

Sometimes Google changes the researchers’ intent and provides different results to their search query. This can be another reason why search engines are not ranking your adult website. When your adult audience cannot get recorded by google, it results in a low click-through rate.
This further leads to lower rankings on the SERPs. To tackle such a situation, you can optimize the content of your adult website so that it suits the search queries of your audience and allow search engines to crawl on your website whenever any person searches for adult content on the search engine.
Step 9 – Competitors making moves

The adult industry is full of competition. Every day a new person is entering the market and making the best moves to rank at the tip of the search engines.
If your competitors are improving their rankings in such a scenario, it automatically pushes your website down. This fitter results in low rankings. Hence, if you want to remain on top or recover ranking drops of your adult website, you must keep an eye on the moves of your competitors.
Understand their marketing and adult SEO techniques and keep your website ahead of theirs. Hire a professional adult SEO service provider to maintain your website and keep it updated per the adult market standard.
Step 10 – Lost backlinks

Backlinks are a significant part of adult SEO. Hence, if you lose backlinks on your adult website, you might also lose rankings. Therefore, you must keep your website updated with superior and qualified backlinks. This will promote your adult website and help you to recover lost orders.
At the glance
The adult entertainment industry is a billion-dollar industry. It has colossal competition and involves high risk. But the opportunities to make money are even higher. Therefore, you must invest in this business to enhance your profitability. But, if you own an adult website, then being sure about its higher rankings is crucial to surviving in the adult market.
This guide will help you check your adult website, making and receiving the ranking drops. Hence, do not panic if you lose rankings on search engines, as there are always ways to recover lost rankings of your adult website.