Link building has always been a crucial component of an adult SEO campaign. From tube sites to the live cam ones, adult SEO has always acted as the weapon in the arsenal that can help an adult webmaster to have an edge over their rivals. There are numerous ways for gaining healthy links for your adult website and once you know the right way to do so, you will find yourself in a much better position.

Link building for an adult site can be a little bit easier ad compared to other sites such as travel, sports or fashion ones because the competition in the adult niche is less (sounds strange but this is a fact). Lower level of competition simply implies that the process to get quality links for your adult site and the journey to take it to the top will be much easier compared to other traditional sites. Let us have a look at the top tips that can be helpful in terms of link building for your adult website.
Tip Number-1: Assessment of the competition you are facing
The link building process for an adult site is easier compared to the rest but you should always keep in mind that the opportunities are going to be less. One of the best ways to gain a boost in the number of links you are receiving is by analysing the link profile of your competitors and building your strategy around it. There are tools that can help you to access the backlinks from your top rival websites and it is a good idea to keep a check on them. In addition to that, you should always check the trust flow and domain authority of the links as it is a crucial factor to determine the quality of a backlink.
Tip Number-2: The power of friendship
There are a lot of adult sites nowadays who are following the principle of ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’. And there is a reason behind this friendly behaviour. Exchanging quality backlinks from the sites that enjoy good authority over the Internet is a good thing and a step that will help you to take you crusade forward. This is why adult sites have a section called ‘our friends’ or ‘our associates’ these days.
The only thing to keep in mind is to make sure that these backlinks are coming for clean sources (big no to black hat practices) and will benefit your website’s ranking and domain authority in a positive manner. Getting backlinks from sketchy websites can land you in trouble and hence, you should always steer clear of that. Also, when anyone comes up to you with a suggestion of sharing backlinks, check whether their site has the similar traffic flow like yours or not because if they are on a lower level, then it is really of no use.
Tip Number-3: Becoming an active member of online communities and forums
Posting in forums and online communities can be something that can take you a very long way when it comes to link building. Posts made as a guest post or even in the comments section of the forums can bring a number of visitors with genuine backlinks to your site, provided you are posting at the right places. Although the significance of this strategy has been reduced by Google but it is surely worth some of your time. While posting on forums or even comment sections, make sure to post the complete link and not the anchor text. Google can penalise you for posting an anchor text, hence posting the link is a much better alternative.
Tip Number-4: The Old School Ways
There are a few old school techniques that can help you to develop a base with better backlinks. For example, a little variation in the anchor text like adding a few words to it can make it seem more natural and serve the purpose as well. Secondly, having a mixed pool of backlinks can be crucial as well. The strategy to follow is that one-third of the backlinks you have should be of high quality, another one third should be the moderate ones and the remaining can be of poor quality as well. As a result of this, you will be able to send off good signals when it comes to attracting more backlinks and gaining better traffic.
In addition to that, you should always keep a check on the number of backlinks that you are receiving. The recommended number of backlinks a day is 3 to 5 as more than that would make the search engine to suspect that something is fishy and your links may be labelled as spams. To establish website authority, make sure that majority of your backlinks are coming from the websites that are from the same domain that you operate in, i.e. The adult niche.
Tip Number-5: Helping others to get back the favour
Helping others in order to get them going in the adult business is one of the best things to do. The community of SEO follows the principle of what goes around comes back around. Just like using spammy links can get you penalised; helping other websites can help you a lot when it comes to driving backlinks to your website.
The key to success in any online business is to get relevant backlinks for your site and adult businesses are no exception to this rule. Keeping a good check on the keyword density (never let it go above 7 percent) and avoiding duplicate content is another thing that will help you in the long run. Before taking any actions, consider the consequences and till the time you are playing clean and sensible, things will surely go your way. Good luck with your adult SEO strategy!
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